Saturday, March 7, 2009

Step 4 - Errors and Transcriptions

Most of the tools that let you search Census records have conveniently transcribed the data for you. Beware. The transcriptions are chock full of errors.

Always look at the document itself, always compare letters to other letters and always remember that census takers, while usually dedicated public servants, could sometimes be lazy.

I have found "Eva" transcribed as Era, Thomas transcribed as Thos, etc..

I have also discovered that when it comes to the censuses that include birth state of parents, that sometimes the census takers just flat out listed the same state for everyone. Out of all the census data, this is the column I have found wrong most of the time.

Refreshingly the Ellis Island site has a wonderfully correct (99% of the time) transcription set. I have only found minor variations and considering the fact that the transcribers are dealing with unfamiliar names like Wierzichowski, and Ellenfruog it is great that they did a great job.

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